A= Antecedent. This is the signal that an opportunity to do a behavior is there. It’s mainly the environment giving these signals (dad coming home signals it’s time for your dog to do jumping behavior) and since we are a part of the environment, it can also be the cues we give (“sit”, “come”) to our dog.
B= Behavior. This is the observable action of the animal that happens after the “A” gives it’s signal. C= Consequence. This is the part of the equation that drives the behavior to happen again (or not). What happens after the behavior, it’s consequence, will increase or decrease the likelihood that the behavior will be performed again given the same or similar “A.” My advice is to focus on the A’s first…sometimes something as simple as using a leash, harness, baby gate or a licki mat can do the trick. Always look at the A’s first! When your A’s have been changed to promote more desirable behavior, next focus on the C…specifically, resolve to have more positive & frequent consequences follow the behavior you want. Want your dogs feet to remain on the floor more often? Then reward “4 paws on the floor” as often as you can! Looking to improve your dogs response to the “come” cue? You guessed it! Reward your dog for coming towards you and being near you. Have questions? Send me a message!
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